September 2022 – Build

Today we released a new build of AdSphere that includes a new response filter “No Response” under which we will include creatives for certain DTC brands that may have dropped use of a dot com address in their creatives. Think of dot com brands that have become household names such as Chewy, Amazon, Geico, Instacart, Wayfair and many others. Eventually these brands are able to drive online traffic without having to include a web address in their TV commercials.

By default, such creatives will be included in AdSphere despite not having a visible web address thanks to the new “No Response” filter type as shown below.

This will primarily impact campaigns with the brand classification of “brand/DR”. One can remove these types of creatives, and associated units and spend, by toggling response type to “At Least” and unchecking “No Response”. Or, if you want to checkout all of the new creatives in the system that meet the criteria of “No Response” change the response type selector to ONLY and only select “No Response”.

As a new build, we’re on the lookout for any issues/problems! Should you encounter any, please email