New AdSphere Build Released – 10/27/17

A new release was pushed today with a number of system refinements.  Most notable is an improvement to advertiser page load times which are much faster now!  We had an known issue where email alerts for new brands also included new creatives.   Now, when you select new brands, you’ll only get alerts when new brands are detected.   The prior known issues caused by the popular Google Chrome plugin ‘Adblock’ have been resolved.   As the AdSphere database has grown, we have had to modify some functionality to retain performance levels.  One recent refinement is to only allow up to 5 categories to be selected when running lifetime ranking reports.  Our new global search and advertiser pages also present details in lifetime making it easy to get a lifetime view of any advertiser, brand, or creative.

We’re currently working on improving our tracking & alerts functionality so that users may limit alerts to specific brand classifications for both category and network alerts.  We hope everyone is enjoying these new features and we look forward to your feedback!